Our Thunderous God

Last evening I had the joy of standing in a storm.  It was exhilarating and primitive to feel the wind in my hair and hear the rush and roar in the trees above me.  When lightning flashed I could feel the thunder inside. I was fascinated that my dog was not phased in the least.  She stood with her nose in the air enjoying it as much as I.  Now this is a dog that will erupt with volcanic emotion should someone ring the doorbell or let there be a strange noise at night. Together we stood soaking up the rain like parched ground.  I do so wish I could talk to her about it and understand her rationale and feelings.

As I relished in the wonder of the storm I remembered Job 37:4, “After that comes the sound of his roar; He thunders with his majestic voice. When His voice resounds, He holds nothing back.”  It is a sumptuous thought.   When it comes to His love and making provision for our salvation, He gave everything.   He made Himself poor when He gave us Jesus.  There was nothing more precious in the entire universe.  He emptied all the treasure of His heart when Jesus became one of us.  It is no wonder the Gospels speak of a great darkness falling over the cross.  Sinful man should never have been allowed to see the fullness of Jesus’ agony.  That was something so special only the Father and the Son should have shared.

Thunder happens often when God is around.  There was Mount Sinai.  There was God speaking at Jesus’ baptism and check out the word “thunder” in the Book of Revelation.  The redemption of man and the eradication of evil are thunderous events.

Written by Roger Bothwell on June 26, 2013
