More About Bread

I want to thank all who quickly addressed my stale bread problem.  I received wonderful suggestions such as making French Toast, croutons covered with olive oil, bruchetta with basil or freeze the fresh bread until the old is gone.  Humans are marvelously creative creatures.  I came up with one of my own.  I take the semi-stale bread outside and feed it to the birds.  I feel very holy when I come back inside for not hogging it all for myself.

We feed wild birds all year round.  It’s delightful.  Our yard list has 84 kinds of birds which I doubt would be here if it were not for the supplemental feeding. Feeding the birds reminds me of Jesus’ remarks in the Sermon on the Mount.  “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

One of the great doctrines of Christianity is the value of a single life.  There are places in the world where human life is very cheap and is tossed aside like garbage.  Humans are used until they have nothing left and then they are discarded. Millions die in genocides merely because they have the wrong nose, wrong cheeks, wrong family name, wrong accent or wrong faith.  It must make our heavenly Father weep as He sees how cheaply we regard others when He regarded us so much as to send Jesus to redeem us for His very own.  It is true that God can use us, but He will never USE us.  We are much too valuable for that.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 1, 2013