Number 7000

It is great fun to ask a little kid how old he or she is.  Usually the answers come with fractions.  “I am 3 and a half.”   Two months later you get, “I’m three and three fourths.” They like to hurry it along.  Birthdays are milestones working our way to thirteen when we are no longer a child, or sixteen when we can get a driver’s license, a passage to freedom.

Milestones are important to us and come in many forms.  This devotional is a milestone for me.  It represents hundreds of hours of starting at a blank computer screen.  Sometimes my wife will walk by and ask what I am writing about and my answer is “I don’t know.  I haven’t written it yet.  Once I read it I’ll tell you.”

Goals are also important to us.  Without a goal we just drift in life.  Therefore I have a new goal.  10,000.  I’ll be sure to let you know when I get there.  It should be about 2025.   In the meantime there will be birthdays, baptisms, anniversaries, graduations and most likely a wedding or two.   Also it will be a time to grow and seek new ways to tell you how much Jesus loves you and how He will be extraordinarily happy when you accept His gift.  And oh what a gift it is.  In John 5 He told us that when we accept we cross over to eternity.  Now that’s a milestone worth remembering.

Written by Roger Bothwell on December 30, 2013
