Tools Again

After a message once about my father’s obsession with tools I received several interesting responses.  One person, a building contractor, told me he was so happy it was going to snow tomorrow morning because instead of going to his jobsite he can instead go tool shopping.  Another person, a mechanic, offered to identity the mystery tool I have inherited if I will send him a picture of whatever it is.  Perhaps the best one was from a lady, who upon her husband going to a nursing home, found 50 screwdrivers in her husband’s shed.  He kept buying new ones because he couldn’t find any.  I love it because I have in the past bought books (my tools) that I already own.  I just forgot I had them.

If we continue on with the idea that we are God’s tools I do have to say He will never forget that He has us.  When it is time to use us He knows where we are.   He doesn’t have to rummage about in His tool shed.  He will not make duplicates of us.  He loves our uniqueness. It is wonderful that we do not reproduce like cells by cloning which would result in all of us being identical.  Instead we reproduce in a way that makes each of us one of a kind.  He loves variety.  I am often puzzled when I see church groups trying to make everyone the same.  So often it is dress like us, eat like us, give like us and talk like us.  These are requirements for membership and so often they are treated like requirements for heaven.  How shocked they are going to be when in heaven they discover the vastness of God’s eclectic taste.  God loves His specialized tools.

Written by Roger Bothwell on November 14, 2014