Dupe, Duper, Dupee, Dupable, Dupability

I called the 800 number to order a new batch of checks.  The nice man on the phone told me he was going to give me a nice leather checkbook holder.  When he finally stopped adding on this charge and that charge I complained and told him I was going to shop around.  “Oh,” he said, “I can subtract $10 from your total.  But, I can’t send you the leather checkbook holder.”  “Wait just a moment,” I said.  “Then you really weren’t giving me the checkbook holder.  You were selling it to me for an additional $10.”  I really should have hung up at that moment but I didn’t.

Don’t you just hate it when it becomes apparent that you are being duped? And when we object the duper plays innocent.  Nobody enjoys being a dupee.  How often in life are we dupable?   We have dupability and I hate it.

Let me assure you that when Jesus promises us eternal life as a gift He means it.  There are no take backs.  No, not once saved always saved.  We can give it back and so often we are foolish and do so.  But I repeat.  He never takes it back.  If God is anything He is honest, forthright, and open.  When Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive” He is transparent and telling the truth.  Satan is the great duper.  He is the liar.  He is the one who lures us with things that look good but are filled with death.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 4, 2013
