It’s Chainsaw Weather

It was a spectacular October day in New England.  The leaves are at their peak and the slanted rays of the autumn sun are amethyst as they penetrate the yellows and reds.  The temperature was perfect for working outside; so out came the chainsaw.  It’s time to get in the winter’s wood before all is covered with white.  It was a great cutting day because I put a newly sharpened chain on the old machine.  I have had this chainsaw for thirty years.  Sears should be proud.  With its new chain it just rips through oak and other hard woods.  The soft woods are like a hot knife in butter.

Earlier at the close of the summer I tried cutting but my chain was dull.  It was laborious and very unproductive.  What a difference it makes to have a sharp chain. I couldn’t help but think of how God wants us to be His tools.   The analogy speaks for itself.  If we are mentally dull, it is a challenge even for God, when He wants us to be productive.  If we take care of ourselves, He is able to fulfill His dream for and through us.

In Ephesians 2:10 Paul tells us God has work for us.  Before we were born He knew us and had something very special for each of us to do.  But God’s plans are not predestination.  Our decisions can thwart His plan.  If we want to be all we can be, we need to be sharp.  We need to daily hone our minds with the Word.   We need to eat right, sleep enough and exercise because a healthy body nurtures a sharp brain.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 26, 2009