The Ides of September

Our hummingbirds are gone.  We will leave the feeders out and filled for another week or so to accommodate transients moving south from Canada and Maine.  They will need to fill up for their long journeys.  The catbirds are gone.  Our days are still warm and the trees are still green (however, a different color green) but the birds know what is coming and have decided it’s time to go.  The lawn has pretty much stopped growing and shadows are lengthening. It must be the shadows that tell the birds it’s time to go.  It is only a week now until the sun moves into the southern hemisphere.

The thing I liked best about September when I was a boy was it was time for the new cars to come out.  It was a wonderful time because there were real differences between the model years.   A 57 Chevy was very different from a 58.  Cars had white wall tires and fins and came in two or three colors.  They hid them from us by transporting them at night covered with canvas.  They were put on back lots where you could not see them until the designated day.  There was great excitement in the air to watch TV and hear Dinah Shore sing “See the USA in your Chevrolet.”  Of course cars were considered high mileage if you put 60,000 miles on one.  Today that is just getting a car “broken in.”

I get excited when I read I Corinthians 15 that speaks of our corruptible bodies being replaced with incorruptible and immortal bodies.  What they will look like and how will it feel to be 100 percent whole and healthy?  Jesus offers us so much.  It’s a good time of the year.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 16, 2015