Three days ago a snail crossed the driveway. His slime trail is still there. It is just like some people we know. Everywhere they go they leave a trail. They are the kind of people that impact your life. Sometimes for good and unfortunately sometimes the opposite. Sometimes they leave a happy pleasantness, and sometimes they leave slime.
Now of course we are the kind of people that always leave happy pleasantness. It would be impossible for people as loveable and likeable as we to do anything else. After all, don’t we always have other’s interests before our own? Are we not always careful to guard our tongues so we only say things that elevate others? Are we not generous with our assets so others who have little have more because they have met us? Are we not careful never to pass on gossip? Of course that’s the way we are.
We are not leavers of slime. We are better than that; are we not? Even as Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica he would write to us, “Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.”
Written by Roger Bothwell on July 25, 2000