It was a beautiful moment. This morning I was walking down the hallway of a large elementary school when the principal announced over the loudspeaker that it was time to pledge allegiance to the flag. I was where I could see into four classrooms as everything came to a halt and the children in all four rooms rose to simultaneously pledge to our flag. But that was not the really great moment. I had been following two little boys down the hall.
This was the great moment. They stopped, stood at attention and facing a flag that we could see in one of the rooms they put their hands over their hearts and loudly said, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.” As they turned to continue on their way I noted one of them was wearing a yarmulke.
It was a proud and revealing moment for me. When I was a little boy we always recited the Lord’s Prayer after the Pledge. Sometimes I get all sweaty because we no longer have prayer in school. But I have to tell you. This morning I was glad we did not. I was glad we did not shove Christianity in the face of a proud little Jewish American, who most obviously loves his country as much as the rest of us. If both or either boy wanted to pray there was no one stopping them from each having his own moment.
Sometimes we get overly egocentric and think this world and especially our country is all about us. It is about “us” as long as “us” includes everyone else who is here with us.
Written by Roger Bothwell on April 7, 2010