Sated with White

Our New England world is sated with white.  One wonders if it could ever be whiter and still it falls from the sky.  The green boughs of our pines are laden.  The arms of our maples, oaks and beeches are dressed in bridal splendor.  It is a moment to savor the purity and imaginative touch of our Creator.  Amidst the falling blanket juncos, finches, cardinals and woodpeckers are banqueting outside our breakfast window.  It is so glorious and yet it comes with a sadness because it will end.

Life is that way.  Every good thing comes to an end.  Our babies are given to us and in a blink of an eye they are married and gone to have their own babies and to blink.  The vigor of our youth melts into summer and fall.   Life’s winter brings its own whiteness if we are fortunate to keep any.

The wonder of Jesus is the whiteness that will never melt.  I love the way the New International Version renders Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”  The matter is settled!  There is no negotiating.  God says it and it’s finished, sealed in love.  It is a whiteness without sorrow because it will never end. Aeons from now we will be pressed and wrinkle free.

Salvation is a glorious thing that will never end.  God’s measureless love is as huge as His universe. Therefore we must never fear He will change His mind.  “God is changeless in his love.”  Psalm 59:10.   Our world is sated with mercy and white.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 10, 2017