Elementary school teachers tell me they know when the weather is about to change. They don’t need a barometer because the children get fidgety. I wonder if that is also true with dogs. Our weatherman is telling us a large storm is heading our way and today our dog has been fidgety. Every little sound created an explosion of raised hair and ear piercing barking. If the volume of ruckus roused had anything to do with it when the mailman came, one would have thought he was a terrorist. While channel surfing I paused for a few moments on the end of Family Feud. When the correct answer came up on the board there was a ding. I do admit that it sounded like our doorbell and you can guess what happened.
Through the years I have known people who must have been aware that the weather was changing. Every war, every earthquake, every natural disaster made them start barking that the end is near. Our fervent desire for the second coming of Jesus sometimes clouds our better judgment. The continual “wolf wolf at the door” has a dulling effect on our young people. Soon they turn us off and discount everything we have to say regarding faith. Our so very relevant message for vibrant living isn’t heard because of our not paying attention to Jesus Himself. He said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.”
It’s popular for preachers to focus on end time events because they get lots of rave comments at the door after church. It’s an easy sermon prep. All they need do is recap the week’s news. But let’s beware we don’t become fidgety barking dogs. Be pastors and care for the flock which so often need to be reminded that Jesus loves them.
Written by Roger Bothwell on March 6, 2013