Very Important Scribbling

It is not uncommon to find in old books small pieces of paper filled with nonsense scribbling.  What fun it is to find such treasures.  Many of us have them tucked away in our books.  What precious reminders they are–  reminders of a four-year-old thrusting into your hands a tiny blue piece of paper with wondrous markings!  Oh, how we value those “love notes.”


Have you ever considered that our attempts to communicate with God must be on the level of scribbling?  The thought of forming any sentence either elegant or plain to present before the Creator of the universe fills one with an overwhelming sense of inadequacy.  Praying almost seems an act of arrogance.  Yet God invites us to do so and is pleased when we take Him up on his invitation.  Psalms 91:15,16 says, “He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.  With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”


Perhaps the books of heaven are filled with small pieces of paper loaded with some very precious scribblings.


Written by Roger Bothwell on April 29, 2002