While filling out a form at the DMV this week I was sitting on a bench beside a lady who appeared to be a bit older than I. (All of them are older than I.) I particularly noticed this one because she was muttering fairly loudly about how stupid the form was. I thought it was pretty straightforward. They just wanted to know if there was any physical reason why you shouldn’t drive, etc. Finally, I offered to help her with it. She never did stop talking about how stupid the form was. Ah, how human of her. It is never our fault. She was a true daughter of Eve. “The serpent made me do it.” It is so difficult for us to accept that when something goes wrong it is our fault. If we fail a test it was the teacher’s fault. If we get a speeding ticket the officer was just waiting for us. It is so refreshing to have a student say, “I’m sorry. I watched television instead of doing my assignment.” Actually I guess I never have heard that. Instead grandma dies several times during the semester. I think people must name their cat Grandma.
Can you imagine all the excuses and all the blame that will be cast around on judgment day? No one will be lost because of their sins. It will be someone else’s fault. It is so Freudian. I wonder if on judgment day someone said, “Yes, God. I see you offered me salvation as a gift and I didn’t take it.” Will God be so amazed He will give them another chance?
Who’s to say? After all He is a God of mercy and the parable of the workers hired at all times of the day tells us to mind our own business. God will save whomever He deems.
Written on May 23, 2009