A Seven Layer Burrito

A seven layer burrito at Taco Bell is a good value.  It’s fairly healthy, but a bit heavy on the calories because of the avocado, the sour cream and the flour tortilla.  What I enjoy about it is each bite tastes different. If you don’t like a bite, quickly swallow it and go for another.  It will be unlike the previous.   One time you might get mostly beans and the next might be lettuce and tomatoes, which brings me to my analogy for the day.  I am mused by the varied experiences I get with multiple readings of Scripture.  The words on the pages do not change, but the power and meaning change.  Yesterday the healing of the leper in Mark 1 impacted me with Jesus’ compassion.  Today I am in admiration of the persistence of the leper.

Paul’s writings seem especially varied.   I Corinthians 13 is different every time I read it.  Today I was overwhelmed by the thought that one could be martyred and have it be for nothing.  Everything depends on one’s motives.  If I allow myself to be burned at the stake thinking I am earning heaven I will be sadly disappointed.  Heaven is a gift.  I cannot earn it no matter how rigidly I live my life and no matter how much of my goods I give to the poor.  The last time I read it I was taken by the idea that love keeps no record of wrongs.  Once forgiven – it’s gone.   I wish organizations were that way.

Of course the reason for the variety is the Holy Spirit’s awareness of our daily need.  Like any good physician the prescription varies by the patient and by the exigency.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 31, 2009
