While passing by the recreation room in a nursing home I was about knocked over by the volume of the recreation director literally yelling, “N-17.” Looking in I saw a collection of old ladies playing Bingo. There weren’t any old men. This wasn’t because old men are not interested in Bingo. There aren’t any old men. We, men, just don’t last long enough, at least most of us. There are a few stalwarts but for the most part we check out sooner than our wives. Just then I was assaulted once again with a very loud “C-19.”
It’s a good thing God communicates to us in a still small voice that is heard internally or very few people over 75 would ever hear Him. I think God likes old people. He didn’t call Moses to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt until he was 80. In addition, Moses’ brother Aaron, the high priest, wasn’t any spring chicken. However, we must mention that John the disciple was a teenager when he started following Jesus. God obviously has no real age preferences. He will take us when He can get us.
Lest this information be a cause of putting off committing your life to Christ please don’t delay thinking you can enjoy the world now and become a Christian later. Being a Christian is the abundant life. Why wallow about in a second-class life when you can start a first-class life right now?
Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10 That’s because the moment we make Jesus the Lord of our lives we cross over from death to life. We have been handed a brand new passport with a new birth date.
Written by Roger Bothwell on October 28, 2010