To Be Known

We have a new neighbor.  Recently he purchased a home close by that had been on the market for several years. I was working in the front yard this afternoon and he stopped and introduced himself.  When I went to tell him my name he said, “Oh, you’re Roger and I know lots about you.”  He went on to say he had as a boy been best of friends with the boy who grew up in our house before we moved here.  He said, “I have probably been in your house as much as you have.  I know everything about it.”  Then he went on to describe things in the house that were not here when he was a boy.  He described things on the walls and furniture.  That was super strange.  He explained.  His now best friend is a man who replaced our windows.  That man spent a lot of time inside.

As he drove down the hill I thought about God knowing all the trivia of our being.  He knows the secret parts of our hearts.  He knows stuff we don’t want Him to know.  He knows stuff that’s in there that we don’t know is in there.  It is amazing to think about God knowing everything.  Does that mean He is never surprised?  Is His foreknowledge based on knowing actual events or is it wisdom based on an eternity of experience?  After one has been around the barn a few times one knows what’s on the other side of the barn.   Could that be how He knows and our free choice could surprise Him by our doing the unexpected?  There is so much we don’t know and the only way to find the answers is to meet with Him face to face, which might not be as far away as we imagine!

Written by Roger Bothwell on December 20, 2010