One of the problems with teaching my Human Development classes is I start seeing things in people around me. For example, one of my lectures is on Freud’s stages of development. He maintained if one does not satisfy each stage as we grow, we develop a fixation that remains with us for life. Now, I have this student who is always chewing gum. I mean always. I think she must sleep with it. Therefore, I conclude she has an oral fixation because she never successfully completed her first stage of development, her oral stage.
I now conclude that I have a Jesus fixation. I can never get enough. I read about Him. I read what He said. I read what others write about Him. I think about His interactions with people. I think about His sacrifice. I think about what the Book of Hebrews has to say about where He is now and what He is doing. Just as my student is not satisfied neither am I satisfied. I want more.
There is an irony in this because Jesus once said, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” I know what He is saying. He is the most satisfying philosopher I have ever read. He supplies me with assurance for eternity. And yet, I am still hungry for more. Not hungry for something else. I am hungry for more of Him. I want a deeper experience. I want to understand more about what motivated Him to come here. I want to know why He loves you and me so much.
I have a Jesus fixation.
Written by Roger Bothwell on February 24, 2010