Most of us have restore dates on our computers. It is a marvelous feature. Should we be invaded by some horrible virus that corrupts your system we can restore our system to a previous date when all was well. More than once this has saved me headache and heartache. Now all I need is a restore date for my human behavior. Wouldn’t it be grand if we could back up and start over on a previous date? When I say something stupid or hurt someone or violate my sense of right and wrong it would be terrific to back up and start over.
In one sense we do have that. God is quick to forgive and forget. Restoration is but a prayer away. However God isn’t the only one with whom we have to cope. He’s not the problem. It is humans that are the problem. Hurtful words, calloused attitudes, slights, and deliberate meanness leave indelible impressions on the minds of others. Even though they might be smart enough to forgive us (It’s always smart to forgive. It lessens the pain.) they will have trouble forgetting what we did.
It is a rare person indeed who can forgive without the transgression forever affecting the relationship. Once a trust has been broken it can never have the luster and shine when it was perfect. Let’s face it. There are no restore buttons available. Forgiveness – yes. Having it exactly like it was prior to the event – sorry. Life on earth just doesn’t work that way. It does work that way in heaven. Isn’t God grand? When forgiven He treats us as if we had never sinned at all. That’s the best restore button ever.
Written by Roger Bothwell on September 3, 2010