I’m sitting here watching a mosquito buzz about my computer screen. It is only a matter of seconds now until he discovers me sitting so very close. I’m a nice 98.6 degree warm juicy meal. I have been known to let them eat while I watch but I’m not in the mood tonight. Should she dare to rest on me I am going to squash her flat. Fortunately I’m not in Uganda this evening where a bite from her might send me to bed with fever and chills. Tonight I’m in Massachusetts and I just do not want an itchy red spot for a day or so. The consequences for being her supper are quite relative ranging from annoyance to possible death.
Her bite isn’t like sin. The ultimate consequence of all sin is always the same – death. Contrary to popular opinion there is no such thing as big sins and little sins; at least in ultimate consequences. Some sins often seem to be little because the immediate consequences seem to be minimal or unseen. However, something like an attitude toward others may remain hidden and unexpressed and may seem inconsequential but we are diminished by it. Our harboring it and thinking it reduces our capacity for having an ultimate day. An ultimate day is a day with unhampered growth. An ultimate day is like one of the days of creation in Genesis 1 where God came to the close of the day and said, “That’s good.”
I am hungry for one of those days. Wouldn’t it be so grand if at the end of a Wednesday God could look at us and say, “That’s good”? If we can get a Wednesday then we can start praying for a Thursday.
Written by Roger Bothwell on July 21, 2010