It was time for some tough love. For some unknown reason Annie, our new lab puppy, decided the road was a place to explore. Just as soon as I would carry her back and put her down she scurried back to the street. It was time to put on the little red collar and turn on the electric fence. Because we knew what was coming, we almost cried as she headed for the street toward the little white flags. She never knew what hit her. I don’t think she will be very interested in the street anymore. The little white flags have taken on new meaning.
God tells us not to do certain things. We are curious beings and find delight in exploring forbidden things. The forbiddenness actually increases the lure. If we could only understand, God only wants to keep us from harm. He withholds nothing from us that is good. If it’s good He encourages us to go for it. Just as we are many times smarter than a puppy so God is many times than us. We know Annie cannot safely play in the street. God’s commandments are His telling us not to play in the street.
Sometimes He has to decide it’s time for some tough love. At Thanksgiving we often sing, We Gather Together to Ask the Lord’s Blessing. There is a very meaningful line that often rings in my head. It goes like this, “He chastens and hastens His will to make known.” I was a father before I finally understood that line. I think He must cry when He sees what is coming but He lets it happen because He knows it will save us from something far worse. We are loved.
Written by Roger Bothwell on April 21, 2010