The Way It Works

I think I was about five years old the first time I heard Romans 10:13, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”   It made a great impression on me.  I recall associating it with a picture of Peter drowning in the stormy sea because he had taken his eyes off Jesus.   He called and Jesus grabbed his hand and together they walked over to the boat.  I am awed by this now, let alone the impression it made on me at five.  I determined right there that I would always be ready to call to Jesus.  It wasn’t until I went to an academy (high school) in Bible classes that I unlearned Romans 10:13.   What I mean by unlearning is my Bible teacher added a lot of “buts” to the promise.  According to him, while it was true I was saved by calling out to Jesus I then had a list of do’s and don’ts if I was going to stay saved.  It was most depressing.  I almost gave up on the whole thing.  Sadly to say many of my classmates did give up.

Fortunately, I went on to college and I am so grateful that once again I relearned Romans 10:13 along with some accompanying verses like verse 9.  “If thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved.”   I also learned that Paul wrote in Galatians that the moment anyone adds a ‘but’ he has negated the cross.

I think some people fear this will lead people to live a self-centered life of sin.  But it is just the opposite.  Because I have been given such a gift I don’t want to sin.  I want to be like my hero – Jesus.  That’s the way it works.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 17, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Respect – Please

Shocked again.  Sunday I saw a man and woman with a small boy walk out of a Denny’s without paying.  What I saw today put spoiled icing on the rotten cake.

Coming to a red light at a busy intersection I was watching young people with containers going from car to car collecting money for the Jimmy Fund – Cancer Research.  People were putting their hands out the window with cash as the collectors walked to their cars.  Catty-cornered across the intersection from me a window came down, a hand came out which then flicked cigarette ashes into the container as it neared.   After the light turned and I could proceed I took special note to see the scumbag.  It was a teenage girl.  I feel very sorry for the man that marries her. Without a conversion experience this will without a doubt be someone her high school senior class should vote to be the one destined for a life of misery.  Sorry about the derogatory term.  I thought about replacing it with something less offensive.  I asked myself what Jesus would have said.  Then I remembered Matthew 23 and decided it was right to retain the word.

Is a little respect too much to ask?  In Romans 12:10 Paul exhorts us to honor others.  He even goes so far as to tell us to prefer others over ourselves.  In Philippians Paul encourages us to adopt an attitude of humility and to labor to do all we can to advance others.  One of my favor pictures of Jesus is found in Mark 1 where Jesus reaches out and touches a leper while the man was still a leper. True respect for self can only be real when it is a reflection of our treatment of those about us.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 29, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574

Oh So Blind

I spent considerable time this evening looking for my glasses.  I scanned my desk where they were supposed to be.  I went to my bedside table.  I checked the bathroom and the kitchen.  I tried retracing my steps from the time I came home from school.  All the searching was to no avail.   Knowing they had to be here somewhere, I figured they would show up sometime so I gave up and sat down to write.  And what to my wondering eyes did appear but my glasses.  They were right where they were supposed to be.  On my desk – the very desk I had so carefully scanned.

How can it be that I looked right at them?  They were not hidden under a book or a magazine.  They were in plain sight.  But I did not see them.  My eyes saw them.  My eyes sent the necessary bits of data to my optic nerves which carried the signal to the back of my brain and yet my brain never processed the data.  I was blind to them while they were right in front of me.  Need I say more regarding the spiritual blindness that cripples so many of us?  God’s love, the intricate design of creation, the miracle of life, the simple complexity of the Gospel is all there all the time and yet so often we just don’t see.

I am reminded of John 1:4-5.  “In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”  Jesus came and walked, talked, healed, resurrected and yet the darkness that blinded His own people prevailed and does so to this day.   We can look and not see.  It must not be that way for us.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 15, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124

St. Helena, CA 94574


The Only Story Needed

Some people call them résumés and some call them vitas.  They are similar.  Basically they are a brief account of somebody’s life.  Usually they are put together in an effort to impress us into giving the author a job.  Often they are amusing to read, especially if they contain dates.  Often we can see that someone has lots of experience but we wonder why they changed jobs every year.  The list can be impressive except it might reveal they don’t wear well.  Actually I like just the reverse.  Lots of experience in a few places tells me a lot.  I saw one today that made me smile.  He put down, “International speaker.”   Since he didn’t put public speaker or mention how many countries I figured he and his wife drove to Toronto and he talked with her in the car.  Yes, I know.  That’s harsh.  Forgive me.

It all set me to wondering what we need on our résumés for entrance to heaven.  I’m sure many people would list all the money they have given to charities.  They might list the clothes they put in the Good Will box or calculate the number of hours they volunteered at the local hospital.  If they were brave they might list the temptations and opportunities for sin that they resisted.  How about mentioning they haven’t eaten meat or mustard in twenty years?  Or better yet if they were a pastor they could list all their baptisms – stars for their crown.

I think I have figured out the ultimate résumé for heaven.   “Sinner – Forgiven.”   You must admit it’s not very long.  But, it has a certain elegance about it.  Its simplicity tells the whole story.   The only story needed.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 14, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


While waiting for a waitress I watched a young man service one of those big glass boxes with a large claw that sells you a chance to snag a stuffed toy.   I was intrigued that he did not just randomly toss in a new supply of Bert and Ernies.  Ever so carefully he put in each new toy so it was positioned upright.  Layer after layer of cute teddy bears and such were all poised so the claw could easily grasp it by the head.  The advantage was for the child operator and not for the owner of the restaurant.   He was smiling as he locked it up and carefully cleaned the glass.

I liked that guy.  He reminded me of Jesus who also positions everything to our advantage.  Jesus has tried to give everyone the best chance possible.  However, I must admit life’s circumstances do indeed impede millions of people.  If one is born into the home of an abusive father, calling God “Father” can create a gigantic barrier to the Gospel.  If one is raised in an underprivileged neighborhood the disadvantages can distort one’s view of God and can very much get in the way of realizing what is available.

I am a great supporter of Head Start programs.  They aid underprivileged children to have a running chance at a good education.  I’m wondering if unbeknownst to us God has a “Head Start” program for those who need it.  What I do know is God is in the business of saving people and positions “heads-up” all that’s needed for our salvation.  What is great about it is we don’t have to put two quarters in the slot to have a chance.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 13, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


An Ultimate Day

I’m sitting here watching a mosquito buzz about my computer screen.  It is only a matter of seconds now until he discovers me sitting so very close. I’m a nice 98.6 degree warm juicy meal. I have been known to let them eat while I watch but I’m not in the mood tonight.  Should she dare to rest on me I am going to squash her flat.  Fortunately I’m not in Uganda this evening where a bite from her might send me to bed with fever and chills. Tonight I’m in Massachusetts and I just do not want an itchy red spot for a day or so.  The consequences for being her supper are quite relative ranging from annoyance to possible death.

Her bite isn’t like sin.  The ultimate consequence of all sin is always the same – death.  Contrary to popular opinion there is no such thing as big sins and little sins; at least in ultimate consequences.  Some sins often seem to be little because the immediate consequences seem to be minimal or unseen.   However, something like an attitude toward others may remain hidden and unexpressed and may seem inconsequential but we are diminished by it.  Our harboring it and thinking it reduces our capacity for having an ultimate day.

An ultimate day is a day with unhampered growth.   An ultimate day is like one of the days of creation in Genesis 1 where God came to the close of the day and said, “That’s good.” I am hungry for one of those days.   Wouldn’t it be so grand if at the end of a Wednesday God could look at us and say, “That’s good”?

If we can get a Wednesday then we can start praying for a Thursday.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 21, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574

The Fruit of Our Love

There is no question about whether or not Paul believed in predestination. Just read the first few verses of Ephesians 1.  There you will read the “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,.” Please notice the tense.  It is past.

If that was all we had of Scripture we would conclude our salvation is a done deal.  But there is more. There is also free will.  God, in His magnificent love for us, will not force His will upon us.  It is His will to save us.  It is our choice to accept.   It is His pleasure to see us consent.  And should we consent the blessings begin flowing our way.  Please note “all spiritual blessings in heavenly places” are ours.  Once we consent changes begin to occur.  Our likes and dislikes are altered.  Our passions are diverted toward righteousness, right thinking and right doing. Opportunities are opened for growth.  We grow in understanding the mystery of His wisdom.

Many of the so called “smart” people of this world just do not understand what God’s children understand.  When they rely upon their own intellect, no matter how vast, it is not enough to grasp what a small child with Jesus can understand.  This incredible world, though soiled with sin, is and can never be the product of random chance.  We are the fruit of His love.  We are the product of His design.  Our task is not merely to reproduce and die.  It is instead to reproduce and live forever with the fruit of our love.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 2, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Big People’s Heaven

Last semester I overhead two theology majors discussing the physical features of the cross of Jesus.  One had taken the position that Jesus’ nailed feet were only a foot above the ground while the other took the more traditional view that His nailed feet were about eye level.  Both of them were quite passionate regarding their position.  After one reads Ephesians 1 one can easily come to the conclusion that it does not matter.  What matters is “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under his feet, . . .”

Using ancient Middle Eastern imagery Paul envisions Jesus’ absolute dominion over the entire universe by placing everything that is under His feet. Jesus rules.  Please note this is not a future tense but a present tense reign. Best of all it is eternal. It will never be usurped.  That is good news for us.  His lavish beneficence toward us means there will never be a time when all our needs will not be fully provided.

When I use the word “needs” I am not speaking of the basic needs of survival.  I am referring to the entire needs pyramid.  We will have all the basics, all the security, all the love, all the self-esteem and all the actualization possible for that specific moment in eternity.  The next day it will be increased as we increase in the likeness of Him.  Please notice verse 18 speaks of our increased understanding and the riches of His glory being ours. This is heaven far beyond petting lions and playing with tigers.

This is big people’s heaven.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 3, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Being All You Can Be

I, along with hundreds of millions of us, am cautiously breathing with more ease now that the blown out well in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be plugged abating a potential Revelationish plague.  We are being reminded that now that the flow has ceased there are still major remaining after effects. It’s just like stopping a sinful behavior. We stop. God forgives. But the aftermath, the natural fruit, continues on. We can stop mistreating people but instant harmonious relationships don’t begin the next day.  We can stop smoking but healthy lungs don’t miraculous fill our chests.

A teen once told me he was thrilled with the Gospel.  Since he was young and it took several years to destroy his young healthy body he was going to try everything.  When he was in his thirties he would give his life to Jesus, be forgiven and thus will have had the best of both lifestyles.  Really? Should he live to his chosen reformation year he will have to deal with the aftermath of broken relationships, addictions not so easily set aside, and impaired abilities.  Actually there is a larger issue.  Who says an unhealthy lifestyle that focuses on self-gratification at the expense of others is something to be desired? Is there really a best to that?

The U. S. Army used to have a great slogan. “Be all that you can be.”

Should he have attempted his divided life he could never be all that he could have been.  If you begin a journey with a cup half full you will never be what or where you would have been had you begun the journey with a full cup. The aftermath will always be there.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 5, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


We Are the Product of Everything

While it is true that birds of a feather do flock together it is also true that flocking together alters our feathers.   Our norms, our standards of what is acceptable, our eating habits, our standards of beauty, our vocabulary and our attitudes toward right and wrong merge into a social network that in turn forms who we are.  So much of what we are, who we are, what we are becoming and who we are becoming are the fruit of our choices.

If we are an adult we can choose how to spend not only our spare time but how we spend our work time by the choice of a career or work place. It is so very important for us to understand the importance of our total environment’s impact on who we are.  There is no such thing as watching a movie, reading a book or being friends with someone without it altering our personality and character.  Things, events and people affect us even though they might be removed from us by several degrees of separation.  What happens to your boss’s wife affects him.  He affects you and you affect your children.  Your children will most likely never meet your boss’s wife but she has changed their lives.  The things we watch on the network evening news change our lives.

We cannot over emphasize the importance of personal choice in each day’s activities.  While there are so many things over which we have no control there are hundreds of things that are up to us.  This is where the influence and the power of the Holy Spirit mean so much.  We must claim the promise of Jesus in John that He will always be with us via His Spirit.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 4, 2010

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574