The Coming of the Rain

Dark green leaves of August hung still in today’s heavy summer haze.  The day was filled with activities that required little movement lest one begin to sweat and stick to everything.  Sitting at a table by an open window I listened to and watched my neighbor mow his perfect lawn.  The first table I ever recall eating from was that table. Perhaps it shall be the last table I shall eat from.  The storm came as quietly as ants on my kitchen floor.  So gently did the breeze first come through the window I did not notice.  It was the smell of coming rain that woke me to the awareness that the dark green maple was stirring.  It is a wonderful smell.  I love that smell.  I loved the first drops on the window panes.  My neighbor headed for shelter. There is something so deeply, so lavishly rich about a warm summer rain.

It is no wonder Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit coming upon us like a soft wind and rain.  See John 3.  There is a gentle stirring inside.  It is the softness of a still small voice that makes us restless and uncomfortable with now.  We dream dreams of what could be if.   “If” is a disturbing word. “If” makes us understand our need for something richer and deeper.  We need our lives to mean something beyond these eighty to ninety journeys around our sun.  There is a hunger for eternity and we know it is beyond ourselves to make it happen.  The inner plea is to accept the gift of a loving heavenly Father who also longs for us to share with Him the incredible vastness of His universe.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 6, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


The Secret of Prosperity

It won’t be long now until the hummingbirds that frequent our feeders will start their very long journey south.  They are such a joy.  They are amazingly brazen.  They will come and feed while you are standing right by the bright red feeder.  One day this week some bees decided to use the feeder for a luscious swimming pool.  About a dozen crawled up the tube only to discover their serendipitous adventure into sweetness was the call of the grim reaper.  The object lesson here just screams Psalm 1:1 at us and really needs no further elaboration.

So let’s go on to Psalm 1:2-3.  “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”  Understanding God’s will for our lives is a giant leap toward fulfillment and happiness.  Understanding that He forbids only that which would harm us enables us to obey with gratitude for His sharing His wisdom with us.   We have only been around a few decades.  He has been around forever.  Not trusting Him and not doing what He asks is really very stupid.  I listen very carefully to my elders.  (There aren’t very many left.)

I sometimes smile when my students try to tell me times have changed and morality has changed with it.  Little can they see that God’s standards are eternal.  Just because our culture no longer frowns on certain behavior does not mean the fruit of that behavior has changed.  It matters not in which century we live.  The secret of prosperity has not changed.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 7, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


G-20 Meetings

G-20 meetings are reminiscent of a story found in Job 1. It appears that the sons of God, the representatives of the various worlds in the universe, assembled before God.  At that time Satan was the representative of our world.   A dispute arose between God and Satan regarding a man named Job who would not yield to Satan’s leadership and who maintained allegiance to God.  No matter how much pain and loss Satan inflicted on Job, he remained steadfast.

Leaders of the world’s strongest economic powers assemble to ponder our present world crisis.  Never before in history have men come to realize how interdependent we have become.  In times past one country could soar to a state of enormous wealth at the expense of everyone else.  Those days are past.  Our well being depends on the well being of our trading partners.  Rapid transportation and instant communication have created a global village, a term we hear almost daily.  And yet there are still poverty stricken nations with little or no hope of feeding themselves.

A great moral question facing each of us is, “Am I more worried about the declining value of my retirement funds than I am about starving people while I am surrounded by an abundance to which they have no access?”   Years ago when we taught in Uganda, children would daily clean out the garbage cans behind our school dining hall so they could carry away the scrapes our students discarded. Jesus once said, “If you have done it unto the least of them you have done it unto me.”   Today let us feed Jesus.  Today make a gift to some organization that feeds the needy.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 2, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


Snowed In

Being snowed-in in 2009 isn’t quite the same as it used to be.  First of all those weather people on television told us it would start to snow at nine o’clock.  It started at nine o’clock.  They told us we would get a foot.  Aha, they missed it.  We only got 11 inches. Secondly the world comes to us via radio, television, Internet, e-mail, text messages and cell-phones.  Land-line phones will soon go the way of the typewriter.  I have a friend who is under house arrest. He wears an electronic device around his ankle to monitor his whereabouts.  Some punishment!  He has a house filled with electronics that transports his mind anywhere.  But in actuality we don’t need those things for our minds to take us to far off places.

Some years ago a surgeon friend invited me to watch him do a heart bypass surgery. I was positioned at the head of the patient as he split open the man’s chest, reached in and held the beating heart in his hand.  As I watched, I thought we could also hold a brain in one hand yet the brain can contain the universe.   A good book can take us places electronics cannot.  A good book not only creates the picture but fills in the smells and doesn’t need violins and soft piano music in the background to stir our emotions.  Our minds graphically create all the details.

If you would like to spend an afternoon with Jesus take your Bible and slowly read Mark chapter one.  We were snowbound today and today I watched Jesus go home with Andrew and Peter only to discover dinner wasn’t ready. Peter’s mother-in-law wasn’t well.  That was no problem.  Jesus took her by the hand and she was instantly well.  Dinner was soon on the table.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 3, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574

The Blank Brain Disease

I didn’t write a devotional last evening because of the “Blank Brain Disease.”  Long I sat with my fingers on the keyboard as I stared at the computer screen. Usually that works if I sit long enough.  Last night it just didn’t work.  The blank computer screen was a perfect match for my brain.  Nothing happened.  I finally gave up and headed for bed.

How can this be?  Life is full of interpersonal exchanges.  My Bible is filled with magnificent promises.  My classes provide a massive amount of information and yet my brain was void.   I did try prayer for inspiration and the only inspiration I received was go to bed!  So I did.   I did have a student drop by my office and ask what he could do with a psychology degree and how much would he make.   When I told him he said, “I was sort of thinking of something with six figures.”  I did have another student tell me he didn’t believe what I was telling him.  And another told me he still didn’t have a textbook because he couldn’t afford it.   It cost twenty dollars!  So I gave him the twenty dollars and told him he no longer has an excuse.

Somehow these didn’t seem worthy of your attention.  I want to write something worthy of your time.  So here goes.  Jesus loves you.  He really does.  Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend the idea of a personal God. When we almost grasp the immensity of the universe it is difficult to think that an ant such as each of us could matter.  I don’t know how you feel about ants but when I find them in the kitchen,  I squish them with little thought as to their value.  I think the difference is we are called the sons and daughters of God.  The ants are not my sons and daughters.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 9, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574



There doesn’t seem to be anything on television except reruns.  The problem with reruns is most weren’t worth watching the first time.  Wouldn’t it be grand if we had the opportunity to do reruns of episodes of our lives?  I would like some do-overs.  There are the poorly worded sentences that unintentionally hurt people.  I would like to suck those back in.  Then there are the stupid behaviors that leave the wrong impression.  The problem with me is I am so very smart the next day.  The next morning I think of the perfect thing I should have said the day before.   One morning I was preaching and it was going so badly I was bored.  Finally I just stopped and said, “Folks, this isn’t going well.  Let’s sing the closing hymn and go home.”  I thought they were going to applaud they were so happy.   I asked them to come back next week and give me another chance.

There are some religions that teach that we get reruns of life itself.  We keep coming back until we do it right.  That is actually a pretty good idea. But Jesus has a better idea.  He forgives.  Upon our request He moves inside and keeps renovating.  I was going to say until we get it right but that won’t happen until this corruption puts on incorruption.  See I Corinthians 15. The joy is being legally perfect in the eyes of God because we accept Jesus’ payment for our sins and then growing more and more like Jesus as the years roll on.

With Jesus there are no reruns.  There is no coming back.  There is only going forward.  It’s a grand plan.  Be forgiven.  Learn from our mistakes and go into a grand forever.

Written by Roger Bothwell on June 19, 2009.

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574


I have finally figured out how old Adam and Eve were when they had to leave the Garden.  They were six!  At least that’s how they acted.   I’m sure most of you heard or saw on the news this afternoon about the six-year-old little boy who somehow released his father’s experimental helium balloon.  People thought he was in it but when it came down he was no where to be found. Thank God he wasn’t in it.  Thinking he would be in big trouble he had hidden in a box in his attic.

“When they heard the sound of GOD strolling in the garden in the evening breeze, the Man and his Wife hid in the trees of the garden, hid from GOD.  GOD called to the Man: ‘Where are you?’ He said, ‘I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. And I hid.'”

We have been doing this ever since.  Jonah tried to run away.  God found him. The truth is we just can’t hide.  Often times we want to but it’s quite impossible.  Note Psalm 139:8-10, “If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.  If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.”  I like the fact that the word “lead” is used and not “found” because we are never lost from God.   We can be silly and stupid and think we have gotten away from Him. It can’t be done. He loves us so much He ever so carefully watches for any opportunity to win us back. Love is like that.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 16, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574

Roadside Apple Stands

It is apple picking time.  Bags of Cortland, Macintosh and Golden Delicious apples sit in unmanned roadside stands.  There are pails for your money.  Someone will come along in late afternoon to collect the cash that has accumulated during the day.   Hundreds of cars will drive by with everyone knowing there is money in those pails.  Perhaps the world is not as bad a place as we sometimes think.  We watch the evening news and read the front page of the local paper and get the impression the world is just one giant cesspool filled with dishonest creeps.  I like the message of unmanned roadside apple stands.  It tells us the world is still filled with good people.

Unfortunately, it would take just one rotten person to spoil it.  It is so often that way.  One drunk driver kills a carload of innocent people.  One terrorist destroys a hundred lives.  Adam and Eve ruined a perfect creation.

Isn’t it grand that it can also work the other way?  One man’s righteousness can make up for all our sins.  Paul wrote the following to the Romans, “For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.”  5:15

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 7, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 24, St. Helena, CA 94574



Planning for the Future

Yesterday was one of our hottest days yet this year.  I wouldn’t bother to mention it except a young man stopped by and asked if he could please plow the snow out of my driveway this coming winter.  Now how could I say no to such an enterprising forward-looking young man?  But what about the young man who plowed us out last winter?   That is not a problem.  They were both at my door.  It seems my last year’s plower is going to college in Boston this fall and he is transferring his business to his friend.  I have to tell you I was impressed.  We hear so much about the lazy irresponsibility of today’s youth and all they want to do is eat pizza and play video games.   Obviously that isn’t true.  There before me stood two healthy looking young men preparing for the future.  How very refreshing.

Looking forward, planning for the future and being responsibly concerned about tomorrow is an admirable attribute.  One of the first stories I ever read all by myself was of the ants and the grasshopper.   The ants toiled all summer while the grasshopper played his fiddle.  When the winter came the ants were snug and well fed while the grasshopper was cold and hungry.  Looking at the larger picture of our lives we need to think long-term.  While three score and ten might seem like forever when we are twenty, it is nothing when we are three score plus or when three score and ten is in the rearview mirror.

Jesus and His gift to us is the ultimate plan for the future.  God in His incredible love has already cared for our future.  All He needs from us is cooperation.

Written by Roger Bothwell on August 11, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574




The following is bad news for us multitaskers.  Some of us pride ourselves on the ability to do several things at once.  The bad news is the latest psychological studies have concluded that we really can’t walk and chew gum at the same time–at least do it well.  What is it that enables multitaskers to be good at doing several things at once.  I’m afraid the answer is nothing.  Sorry.  I realize this is a blow to our pride and we might want to argue with the researchers.  But for now if we want to get more done we need to try doing less.  Ouch!

This brings me to all my friends who have their morning devotions while driving to work.  If we really want to get the maximum benefit from our time with God we have to close out the rest of the world.  That must be why we were taught as children to close our eyes when we pray; obviously not a great idea while driving.  Praying in the shower still might work since we don’t have to do anything except stand there and let the water run on us.

The Psalmist must have had this figured out. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”  And Psalm 4:4 reads, “Commune with your heart upon your bed and be still.”  That must be written for young people.  When I am in any prone position I immediately fall asleep.

I know if I want to really help a student I have to give him or her my undivided attention.  Grading papers while they are pouring out their heart just doesn’t work. So why should it be any different when I am talking with God?  Surely the King of the Universe deserves my undivided attention.

Written by Roger Bothwell on September 9, 2009

Spring of Life Ministry, PO Box 124, St. Helena, CA 94574