“Daddy, Watch Me”

When my older son was very small he loved collecting stamps.  He, literally, spent hours sorting and resorting by changing categories. My wife’s father also had a significant collection, especially concentrating on the stamps of the Caribbean and Central America. One year for Christmas he gave them to my son.  It was a huge box with thousands of stamps. My son never played with his stamps again.  The box from his grandfather is in our attic.  It was no longer the fruit of his efforts it was the fruit of his grandfather’s.

When we are small we often say to our parents, “Let me.”  We want to do it.  There is little joy in someone doing it for us.  We love to master something and then say, “Daddy, watch me.”  Perhaps this is part of the reason most religions of the world are focused on works.  And Christianity, the only religion not relying on works, is often polluted by manmade rules of don’t eat this or drink that.  We are instructed to make some manner of atonement to show our sorrow for our sins.

Paul addressed this to the church of Colossi. It was obvious someone was perverting the pure Gospel Paul had taught and so Paul wrote, “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.”

Contrary to our desire to do it ourselves, salvation is not a do it yourself project.  It is the one thing, the most valuable thing, we cannot do ourselves.  We must acknowledge our inability and let Jesus do it for us.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 10, 2017


An Eternity of Choices

When I was very small my parents gave me thirty-five cents a week.  Twenty five cents was for the mission offering at church and ten cents was for me.  We had a treasure land for a neighborhood store run by a man with no legs.  He slid around the well worn wooden floor on a large piece of leather that was somehow strapped to his waist.  When you walked in immediately to the right was a glass case filled with penny candy.  There were Mary Janes, gummy bears, marshmallow peanuts, wax lips and other wonders.  Best of all there was a comic book rack and they were only ten cents each.  If I wanted a comic book I had to forgo the candy.  It was my choice.  Most of the time I opted for a Donald Duck comic, but sometimes I got a Superman.

I remember one week in church they showed us a picture of a small child in Africa that needed food.  That week I did not get a comic book or candy.  It was not a difficult decision.  Often for supper we had dark cornpone and milk.  I thought we were rich.  And we were when compared to the child in Africa.  So much of life is relative.  Little could I have imagined that decades later I would spend six years in Africa and would have many occasions to be reminded of that little boy in the picture.

Life is the sum of our choices; here and forever.  The most important of all is our commitment to Jesus and the acceptance of His gift and grace.  Then comes eternal life with an infinite amount of choices.  What we become, where we will go, what we will learn will be our choice.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 5, 2017


The Words of My Keyboard

I am sitting here staring at my computer keyboard.  It is a marvelous thing.  It talks.  It says anything I want it to say.  With it I can spread hope or despair.  With it I can build good or with it I can destroy.  It is an outlet for my mind.  It is amazing.  When we think about it we can transfer thoughts from one mind to another and if we print what we key in, those thoughts can be transferred to other minds years and decades after our minds are thoughtlessly dead.

Thousands of years before my keyboard was the Psalmist wrote, “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.”  Psalm 19:14.  How did he write that?  Did he have a stenographer?

The 21st century equivalent of that verse would be, “Let the words of my keyboard and these thoughts of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, and may they spread the good news of Jesus love to all the world via the wonder of the Internet.”

I realize that rendition isn’t nearly as poetic and beautiful but it certainly is my prayer as I assure you that Jesus loves you, forgives you from ALL your transgressions and has reserved a place just for you.  Your name is already engraved on the door of your heavenly home.

I also pray that the words of your keyboard posted on Facebook or wherever will always be positive and filled with the joy of salvation.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 4, 2017


A Moment No One Should Ever See

There are some things so very important and so weighty they should not be witnessed by others.  Matthew 27:45 records such a moment in time. “From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land.”  Jesus has been on the cross for three hours and with the end coming, the agony of separation from His Father, the mental anguish had superseded the horror of the unthinkable physical abuse.  It was time for Jesus to pay the price for our sins.  He who knew no sin had vicariously assumed our guilt.  It was time for Him to die our deserved death that we can live His deserved life.

The ignorant evil crowd being unprepared for total darkness at noon stumbled about in an effort to retreat from site of their evil deed.  They did not deserve to see the cross and the naked broken body of the creator of the universe.  Angels sobbed in shock.  While they knew what was coming the reality was so much worse than  their anticipation of the moment. No one was to watch.  Alone He suffered.  Alone He fended off the taunts of Lucifer, His old friend.  Lucifer was so sure he could make this moment so bad Jesus would give up.  But Jesus would pay the price at any cost for you and me.

I had a friend once tell me when in heaven he wants to watch the video.  I have sincere doubts.  Once he catches a glimpse of the torn flesh and gaping wounds from the nails he will bury his head in his hands.  No one can or should ever watch.     A thousand years from now our love for Him will have so grown, more than ever we will not be able to watch.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 3, 2017



The Wonderful Advantage

The current world record for the fastest time running and winning a marathon was 2 hours and 2 minutes and 57 seconds.  The four men who last broke the marathon record were wearing Adidas shoes. However, Nike has unveiled a new shoe designed to aid runners in breaking the two hour barrier. The question has arisen, “Will these new shoes give a runner an unfair advantage?”

I certainly wouldn’t know, but I know I love having an advantage when facing any challenge.  Diligently studying before a major exam is definitely an advantage over a casual student.  Having a GPS in one’s pocket when in a forest is surely an advantage over someone wandering in circles.  Here is my favorite. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”  Galatians 2:20.

When we are determined to be more Christ-like, when we are struggling with a major temptation, when we long for victory over self, when we want to show God how grateful we are for the gift of salvation, when we want to be a better person and aren’t doing so well, – then it’s time to take advantage of the advantage offered us.  Real victory happens when Jesus lives in us.  The victory that follows isn’t because we are so determined, disciplined and stoic; it’s because we have an advantage.  Is it an unfair advantage?  Not in the least.  Jesus earned the right to live within us by His sacrifice on the cross. He waits for an invitation.  He said, “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.”  Revelation 3:20.  Now that’s what I call having a wonderful advantage.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 13, 2017



Night Court

When in high school I belonged to our school temperance association.  For a reason beyond my understanding, the faculty sponsors took us to a night court in Baltimore.  I had never seen anything like that.  They must have emptied the drunk tank just as we arrived.  The courtroom was awful.  I can still remember the smell of cheap booze, vomit and men and women who had not bathed in who knows how long.  One by one in an assembly line they appeared before the judge, pleaded guilty to whatever charge, and were sentenced to time served and shuffled out the back door.  Next, they brought in the “ladies of the night” and once again one by one they plead guilty and I remember they were each fined $50.00 and shuffled out the back door.  For a teenage boy raised in a middle class home that made sure I got to church each weekend, this was another planet.

I hadn’t thought of this in years until this evening when I was reading one of my favorite books, The Desire of Ages – a life of Christ.   I read the following paragraph and this all came flooding back.  “Our Redeemer has opened the way so that the most sinful, the most needy, the most oppressed and despised, may find access to the Father.  All may have a home in the mansions which Jesus has gone to prepare.”

As I read the above paragraph, I suddenly realized my pharisaic attitude of feeling superior to those poor souls thrust me into their group.  Thankfully Jesus will forgive me.  Even snobs can be redeemed.  “Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them.”  Hebrews 7:25

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 17, 2017



English is not a proud language.  It has no shame in adding new words to its ever growing inventory of available units of communication.  Each year the publishers of dictionaries include new words taken from current usage.  One of this year’s additions is sheeple, a portmanteau of sheep and people.  Once we say it, the meaning speaks for itself.  We sheepishly follow the crowd.  What’s trending on Facebook is an example of something catching the fancy of a few and then having millions follow.  Fashions regularly produce the “emperor’s clothes” because thought leaders start something and the rest of us fear to be different.

1000 years before Jesus came to us David wrote Psalm 23.  800 years before Jesus, Isaiah noted in chapter 53, “All we like sheep have gone astray.”  Handel even included it in his famous oratorio The Messiah.  In Matthew 9 we read, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”  Our sheepish behavior is nothing new.  But how wonderful it is that Jesus not only understands, He has compassion on sheeple.  One of His most familiar parables is about the one lost sheep and the shepherd going out to search for it.

Just as long as Jesus keeps loving sheeple I don’t mind being one.  I could think of many worse things to be.  Jesus said, “Follow me.”  My response is gladly, because we know where He leads.  Heaven will be full of sheeple. The challenge is to know who to follow. That is the main task of the Holy Spirit.  He woos us, nudges us and sometimes shoves us in the right direction.  Jesus said, “I am the way.”   So come and join me.  I’m a sheeple and you’re a sheeple and together we will be led home.

Written by Roger Bothwell on May 1, 2017


Heaven Will Never Be Full

There is a fascinating concept at the close of Hebrews 1.  Angels are described as ministering spirits to care for the heirs of salvation.  That’s us.  According to Romans 8 and Galatians 4 we are adopted into God’s family and are heirs of salvation.

Several years ago I was in Tokyo and needed to get on a subway during rush hour.  The train stopped at our platform and when the doors opened it was full.  I assumed I would have to wait for the next one.  I could not have been more wrong.  There were attendants on the platform that started pushing us onto the train.  I think the assumption was, it is never full.  Forget the idea of personal space.  I have never been so close to so many people at one time.  Sardines in a can have more space.  In an attempt to breathe I had a mouthful of long black hair from some unnamed lady.

Thinking back on it I think angels are like those attendants.  Heaven will never be full.  There will always be room for one more.  Angels dog our paths each day waiting to give us a shove into the Kingdom.  They are ministering spirits who are so very happy and so very unselfish they, like Jesus, long for everyone to be saved.  There assignment is simple and straightforward; save people. I think they are pretty good at what they do because there is a wonderful verse in Revelation describing the redeemed assembled around God’s throne.  It reads, “I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.”    That’s us.  How grand!

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 28, 2017


Love Rarely Makes Sense

When my older son was three we parked by a meter.  I reached into my pocket for a dime but inadvertently dropped it and watched it fall into a storm drain.  It wasn’t very deep and I could see the dime. I thought I could pick up the drain cover and lower my son in to pick up my shiny dime. But it looked very dirty and who knew what else was down there.  There was no way I would lower my son into a sewer for any amount of money.

But that is exactly what God did with His Son.  He lowered Him into this sewer of sin not with a chance He would be harmed, but with the sure knowledge the rats would attack and kill Him.  There is no way He would have done that for any amount of silver or gold.  God owns all the silver and gold in the universe.  He did it for something far more precious – YOU.  You, the apple of His eye, are worth every pain, every lash of the whip, each nail, each thorn, each slap and each mocking insult.

I cannot begin to think I am worth that.  Sorry, but I cannot think you are worth that.  But God’s love is so vast and so broad and so much deeper than I can imagine.  If He tells me I am worth it.  If He tells me you are worth it.  I will take Him at His word and believe His promise that He will return to take us to our eternal home.  When we first enter His throne room and see the splendid glory of Jesus we will thrill to think He left that for earth and the cross.   How can it be?  It doesn’t make sense.  But then love rarely does.

Written by Roger Bothwell on March 14, 2017


Real Power Is Real Knowing

Recently I was fascinated by the intellectual content of the person with whom I was speaking or should I say lack of content.  He was a professor at a college where he had obtained his BA, MA and doctorate. He made mention of his comfort there because many of his colleagues were also alum from that school.  And so the cycle of information and ideas was repeated over and over.  The same ideas he had heard during his undergraduate years were regurgitated during his graduate education.  They were preaching and teaching to themselves. This person was teaching from the same texts he had been assigned as a student.  Granted there are some classics that should be shared by each generation.  These are not of which I speak.

The freshness of intellectual growth is the fruit of exposure to new ideas and new prospectives.  Without this the content of our lives becomes we and them.  We, of course, are correct, orthodox and holy and they are just plain wrong.  But we try to be kind and use words like misguided or uninformed, when we are the uninformed ones.  Ignorance is a frightening thing.

Knowledge is power.  God is omnipotent not because He is some gigantic muscle man in the sky.  He is omnipotent because He is omniscient.  He creates not because He is a magician waving a magic wand.  He creates because He knows how.  Thus it is that He longs to save us that we might join with Him in creative ideas.  To be like Him is to grow.  Yes.  He grows.  He is love and love grows.  Love is not a stagnate state.  It is an envelopment of life and others and reaching beyond ourselves to enhance those about us.

Written by Roger Bothwell on April 27, 2017
