Want Ads

Looking through the want ads can be kind of fun especially if you don’t particularly want anything.  Looking for something specific like a job can be very frustrating.  Actually when you think about it, the Bible is really one big want ad.  God is advertising a great product and hoping, as do all who run ads, that lots of people will respond.

God’s ad could come under several different categories.  It could be a personal ad.  “Friendly, loving, caring, sacrificing person of means looking for someone to share long-term relationship.”  Not bad.

It could also come under real estate.  “Mansion.  Nice neighborhood.  Good neighbors. Glorious views.  Offered at sacrificial prices. Owner motivated.”

How about a help wanted ad?  “Father-son business needs committed employee willing to travel.  Great retirement, good medical, compensation out of this world.”

God could run an ad in almost every section of the want ads.  How about this?  “Cleaning service.  Restore to new condition.  Stain removal 100% guaranteed.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 27, 2000


The Tortoise

Having been raised with the story of the tortoise and the hare, most of us think of the tortoise as that wonderful fellow who could do no wrong.  Persistence wins was the impressionable theme.   On seeing a tortoise crossing the road the story came to mind once again.  Cars were taking care to straddle him as they passed.  That is all except one.  In an instant Mr. Turtle became food for the crows.

Persistence is good, but speed would have been better.  Sometimes we are so laid back; knowing tomorrow is another day, we do not accomplish the things we need to do.  Teachers see this behavior pattern daily.  Students have a zillion reasons why their work is late.  Computers are a blessing to those procrastinators.  They can now blame malfunctioning technology for their tardiness.

Have you ever noticed what Jesus said to Zacchaeus when He found him in a tree?  “And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, ‘Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house.’  And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.”  Luke 19:5-6

Haste does not always make waste.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 27, 2000


A Moment in the Supermarket

The little girl gazed with expectant eyes as her daddy put his coins in the machine.  Ever so carefully he maneuvered the stainless steel claw toward the coveted teddy bear in the big glass case.  There would be no second chance if he missed snatching it from the pile of goodies.  The teddy would wait for another day or worse yet for another little girl’s daddy to snatch it.

Her face lit up when the claw picked up the teddy.  But it dangled like it would fall.

“Oh, daddie-e-e-e-e,” she cried.

Ever so carefully he moved it towards the opening through which it would fall into her eager hands.  Suddenly it looked ready to slip from the grasp of the claw.   And then it happened.  It fell off the claw onto the side of the opening.  Where was the center of gravity?  Would a tiny teddy arm catch and hold the treasure inside the machine?  It held for just a moment and then fell through the opening into her hands.

What squeals of delight!  Her curls bounced as she danced with joy.  But there was even a better sight to behold.  It was the look of triumph on her daddy’s face.

What do you suppose God looks like when we are saved?

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 31, 2000


Quality Reconstruction

There is an old shell of what was once a triple story house in Worcester, Massachusetts.  There is not much left of the third floor and the two lower floors have been gutted.  In front there is a large sign that reads, “Quality Reconstruction” along with the company name and telephone number.  Attached to the sign is a smaller sign that reads, “Help Wanted.”

Do people live all of their lives constructing their characters or reconstructing them?  What one thinks about this probably depends on one’s philosophic or theological position on the nature of man.  But whether one is constructing or reconstructing, the small sign is very appropriate, “Help Wanted.”

For all those “do-it-yourselfers” think about seeking help.  In Romans 6, 7, and 8 Paul describes his frustration at trying to make himself into the kind of man he believed God desired.  By himself it just did not work.  But there is hope.  His name is Jesus and He will respond to any “Help Wanted” sign.  And what is more, we do end up with “Quality Reconstruction.”  We are the temple of the living God and He is not about to continue living in a dump.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 10, 2000


The Great Retriever

There is a good reason labs are called retrievers.  They just cannot resist chasing sticks.  The excitement mounts when their masters pick up anything that can be thrown.  They bounce up and down with eager anticipation.  It is even better if the stick is thrown into a lake.  There is such joy in leaping belly first into the water to power one’s way to the floating object.  Grasping it firmly, the retriever swims head high to bring it back to the master’s feet.

In Jude 1:24 we read, “Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,….” It emphasizes Jesus’ great joy in bringing us to the Father.  He could not be more proud than when He is able to bring you before the throne and proclaim you to be redeemed.  There is no doubt about it; Jesus is the Great Retriever. He has rescued us from ourselves.  He jumped into this cesspool of sin and brought us to safety.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 10, 2000


A Perfect Moment

The temperature was perfect; the late afternoon sun was drawing long shadows across God’s artistic reflections of red maple leaves, yellow beech and birch leaves against a deep blue sky punctuated with white, billowy cumulus clouds.  A kingfisher chattered his way across the river; this was one of life’s perfect moments.

There are those fleeting seconds worth all the years of life.  No amount of wealth or fame could ever be worth just one of those gems of time.  Perfection is rare in this world.  To score a “perfect ten” is a moment that needs to be captured by the camera of one’s mind and printed indelibly for those coming years when other memories fade.

Have you ever wondered how heaven will work?  If every moment is perfect, then will there be no special times?  In the midst of an endless array of perfection, how can anything stand out as perfect?  The truth is we do not know how heaven will work.  But whatever it is, it will be grand.

“But as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.”  1 Corinthians 2:9

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 10, 2000


Very Great and Precious Promises

The English language is rich in modifiers.  Adjectives and adverbs flow from our mouths to describe numerous features of a noun.  Trucks are old.  Dogs are black.  Scenery is beautiful.  Or we can say old trucks, black dogs, or beautiful scenery.  Sometimes that does not seem strong enough so we add the word “very” in front of the descriptor.

In 2 Peter 1:4 Peter tries his best to impress us with an incredible truth.  He says, “Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.”  The promises of God are not just precious; they are great and precious.  But that was not strong enough for Peter.  They are, according to him, very great and precious.

And just what are these “very great and precious promises?” They are promises that we do not have to be slaves to our baser natures.  We can break free by actually becoming participants in the divine nature of God.  God is willing to move inside our very minds and share His ideas, thoughts and power so we can change into His image.  It is all so wonderful.  No, it is all so very wonderful.

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 10, 2000


A Boulder in Your Shoe

Have you ever walked around for several hours with a stone in your shoe?  Sometimes the stone would be under your heel; then it would move under your arch.  It was annoying, but not annoying enough to stop what you were doing, take off your shoe, dump out the stone and put your shoe back on.  It would have taken you less that a minute, yet you persisted in enduring the annoyance.  And when you finally did take it out you found it was not much larger than a grain of sand.

How much like flaws in our characters.  We have little things that annoy others and ourselves, but we do not take the time and discipline to “clean house.”  Little quirks of personality and unhealthy habits that could be remedied we ignore because it would be inconvenient to make the mental effort.

Improvement in self is possible if we will just make a bit of an effort.  We can stop annoying others and ourselves if we will only purpose to do so.  Best of all we can have help.  God does say in Psalm 91:15, “…call upon me, and I will answer….”

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 12, 2000


The Woodpecker

There was a woodpecker in the house.  The back door had been left open and the woodpecker came in.  The poor guy was panic-stricken.  Madly he flew from room to room banging himself against walls.  It was not a pleasant experience.  The first impulse was to grab a net and try to catch him.  But wisdom took over–just open all the doors to the house and get out of the way.  Sure enough.  In a few minutes the woodpecker found his way out the front door.  For the next hour he chattered all over the yard.  He must have been telling the others of his horrible adventure.

Chasing him about the house with a net surely would have injured him.  Have you ever wondered if when we are in difficult places God opens doors of opportunity for us and then gets out of the way?  Sometimes all we need is a chance.  He already has given us the brain and talent to succeed.  He knows it is best for us to use them because real success is our success and not something handed to us by another.

This however is not true when it comes to salvation.  Because we are sinners we cannot meet the demands of the law.  It is essential that Jesus’ success becomes ours.  He gives it.  We accept, and we grow.  We take His gifts and use His strength, and we find freedom

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 27, 2000


They Shall Run & Not Be Weary

The weekend is over and it is time to go back to work.  How hard that is after a perfect weekend!  You know, one of those weekends where the temperature is perfect and the sun shines all day.

 How about this for an idea?   Retirement at the age of 65 is too radical to do all at once.  People should be allowed to work up to it thus making the transition less stressful.  On a person’s 45th birthday they should begin the process by not going back to work until Tuesday.  When they reach 50 they should not go back to work until Wednesday.  At 55 they go back to work on Thursday.  After 60 they only go to work on Friday.  And finally at 65 they get to retire.  This slow transition for skilled experienced craftsmen will make room for youthful workers to assume responsibility on a graduated program supplying leadership on the days the older workers are gone.  Now is that not a great idea or what?

Alas!  We come back to reality and recognize that it is back to work on Monday morning.  But, ah, courage.  Isaiah 40:31, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Written by Roger Bothwell on October 30, 2000
