Sated with White

Our New England world is sated with white.  One wonders if it could ever be whiter and still it falls from the sky.  The green boughs of our pines are laden.  The arms of our maples, oaks and beeches are dressed in bridal splendor.  It is a moment to savor the purity and imaginative touch of our Creator.  Amidst the falling blanket juncos, finches, cardinals and woodpeckers are banqueting outside our breakfast window.  It is so glorious and yet it comes with a sadness because it will end.

Life is that way.  Every good thing comes to an end.  Our babies are given to us and in a blink of an eye they are married and gone to have their own babies and to blink.  The vigor of our youth melts into summer and fall.   Life’s winter brings its own whiteness if we are fortunate to keep any.

The wonder of Jesus is the whiteness that will never melt.  I love the way the New International Version renders Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.”  The matter is settled!  There is no negotiating.  God says it and it’s finished, sealed in love.  It is a whiteness without sorrow because it will never end. Aeons from now we will be pressed and wrinkle free.

Salvation is a glorious thing that will never end.  God’s measureless love is as huge as His universe. Therefore we must never fear He will change His mind.  “God is changeless in his love.”  Psalm 59:10.   Our world is sated with mercy and white.

Written by Roger Bothwell on February 10, 2017



We have this nice kid in our neighborhood.  He is about 10 years old and has a two year old dog named Buddy.  Buddy is beautiful and weighs about the same as his master, who very faithfully takes Buddy for a walk each afternoon after school.  Maybe I should say Buddy takes his master for a walk.  Buddy is a handful and goes pretty much where he wants to go pulling his master after him.

Buddy reminds me of strong habits and propensities in our lives.  We struggle to keep them in check but so often they pull us where they want to go.  But this I know.  There is no sin or desire so strong that we cannot overcome or control.  Unlike Buddy’s master who is doing it on his own we do not have to face temptation on our own.  Jesus’ disciple John wrote, “You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.”  That promise is in his small letter of    I John in chapter 4.  If you will put the word “overcome” in a concordance you will discover there are five promises about overcoming in I John.  John was a son of thunder and he overcame.  He was an overcomer and wants each of us to share the victory available in Jesus.

Here’s one of two promises in chapter 5. “Everyone born of God overcomes the world.”  The world is a pretty big place filled with many temptations and addictions.  But none of what the world has is bigger or stronger than the power available to us. We have overwhelming power just a prayer away. It’s even stronger than Buddy.


Written by Roger Bothwell on December 16, 2015


Snow on Its Back

There was a cardinal at our bird feeder this morning with snow on its back.  The snow must have been frozen on because it did not fall off as the cardinal flew back and forth from a branch to the feeder.  It was an unnecessary burden that was hampering its flight.  Most of the people I know are like this cardinal.  We carry around unnecessary burdens that hamper our being all we can be.  They can be the product of childhood but more likely they are the product of life in general.  We allow failures to hamper our concept of what we can really accomplish.  Failure is not pleasant and we do all we can to avoid it.   The things we associate with our failures become hot stoves.  We just don’t try again.  Some are things we really would like to do but fear another attempt will once again result in failure.  We live ordinary lives when we could have been extraordinary.  Instead of learning from our failures we turn them into blockades that keep us from going any further merely so we do not have to taste failure again.  We carry burdens that hamper the fulfillment of our dreams.

Sometimes the burden we carry is guilt which is most debilitating.  It haunts us with “I wish I had not done it.”   We cannot go back and undo.  However we can lift the burden.  We begin by seeking God’s forgiveness which is always available.  “If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us.”  I John1:9   Secondly, we forgive ourselves.  Often that is the tough one.  Let it go.  If necessary say, “I forgive myself.”  The result will be wonderful.  When the burden is gone we fly like a cardinal without snow on its back.

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 3, 2014


On Regifting

It’s decision time.  Do I have use for this Christmas present?  Do I try to return it to the store from which it was purchased?  How do I do that if I don’t have the receipt?  Do I save it until next Christmas and regift it?  If so, I better label who gave it to me lest I give it back to the person who gave it to me.  Or worst of all just throw it away!

I have known people who have regifted salvation.  (I know.  That is crazy, but who says everyone is sane?)  They accepted Jesus’ offer and did one of two things.  They decided they didn’t want it so they gave it back to Jesus.  Or they first shared it with another and then threw it away.  Or they consciously or subconsciously decided once saved they had to start contributing toward the cost by living a life according to law.  It is a normal reaction.  When we receive something wonderful we want to do something back.  And we can.  We can with God’s help live a Christ-like life.  The important issue is motive.  If our motive is to pay back we nullify the gift.  If my motive is love for God and growing love for people that He plants within us then our good works do not nullify grace.

Paul refers to this in Galatians 2.  He wrote, “I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly.”  The last thing we would ever want to do is to cause Jesus to have died needlessly.  So as we give good gifts to others we always remember we are NOT contributing to the cost of our salvation.  We are not regifting.  We are reproducing.

Written by Roger Bothwell on December 28, 2015



Slapped by Santa

I was only five-years-old and psychologically traumatized.  We didn’t have a fireplace so Santa had knocked on the door and dragged his bag of goodies into our small house.  I was so excited I raced out onto the street and looked up onto the roof.  “The reindeer must be on the backside,” I told myself as I rushed back inside. It was then that it happened.  All I did was pull open his sack and reach inside. The big guy, the jolly (?) old man with the red suit slapped my hand.  Stepping back agape I exclaimed, “You wouldn’t do that if my daddy was here.”

I am very sure that was the last time my father ever struck me.  My mother could never say, “Just wait until your father comes home.”   If I needed it she did it (a rubber spatula) because she knew he never would do anything other than sit with me on the backstairs and talk.

Frequently I hear people who have experienced a traumatizing loss say something about God punishing them.  I wonder about their God.  The writer of Hebrews wrote, “For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.”  There is a difference between discipline and abuse.  Our heavenly Father will never abuse us.  The abuse we receive in life comes from the enemy of our souls who is delighted when we blame our Father.  However, our heavenly Father does on occasion find it necessary for our character development to punish us.  But it will always be the mildest, gentlest, most loving discipline possible with never a single degree of severity more than we need.   After all, our Father is there.

Written by Roger Bothwell on December 31, 2014

A Storm Is Coming

A storm is coming.  A big one.  Weather gurus are using the “blizzard” word telling us twenty to thirty inches of snow is coming for New York City and the same for central Massachusetts.  People are flocking to grocery stores and making sure their cell phones have a full charge. It is so unlike it was a hundred years ago when people prepared for winter by drying foods and filling Mason Jars.  By the end of November root cellars were filled with potatoes and beans.  No one knew what day the big one would come.  They just knew it would come.

Jesus tried to warn us that in life the big one would come.  No one gets out of here without something extremely harsh happening. It is called “Life.”  Even though we live in the richest time and place in history no one is exempt from hard times.  If you have four minutes Google the words “Hurt Johnny Cash.”   Listen to the YouTube as he sings the words written by Nine Inch Nails, “Everyone I know goes away in the end.”

The question we ask is are we ready.  Can we ever be ready?  I am not about to give you a list of things to do to prepare.  I’m not sure anything we can do really prepares us. Perhaps what we are is more important than what we do.  Are we safely tucked into the arms of the one who declared Himself to be “the resurrection and the life”?  Are we part of God’s family?  Are we sons and daughters of the Most High?  I guess there is something we can do.  We can accept His gift.  It comes with the assurance that the big storm shall pass and we shall be saved.

Written by Roger Bothwell  on January 24, 2015


My Snow Blower

When we think of the names of Bible writers we rarely mention King Lemuel.  But he was responsible for one of the more famous chapters in Scripture.  Proverbs 31 describes the perfect wife.  She does everything and she does it well.  I have one of those wives.  My snow blower broke and we have a storm moving in tonight.  The next thing I know is she walks in from the garage and says, “If you will loosen those two bolts and reposition that part, it will be fine.”  Really?!  So I went out and loosened the designated bolts, repositioned the part and presto.  It works just the way it is supposed to.

Someone might ask, “Doesn’t that threaten your masculinity?”  And my response is, “Are you kidding?  It’s wonderful.  Now I don’t have to walk across the street to my engineer neighbor and ask him for help.  That threatens my masculinity.”

So I am a happy man with my cup running over with blessings.  I realize very few men have wives that can diagnosis a broken snow blower.  And she even makes me Cream of Wheat for breakfast.  You can’t beat that!

Riches come in many forms.  One cannot and should not equate wealth with numbers in an investment account.  Riches are so much broader than that.  And of course the thing that makes us extremely rich is Jesus.  Because of Jesus, God has adopted us into His family making us princes and princesses of the Most High.  Ephesians 2 says, “He has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”   Now that is rich!

Written by Roger Bothwell on January 18, 2017

Lots of Beer Cans

Thursday morning was recycling morning.  Stacked in front of one house was evidence that a heavy drinker lived there.  Maybe.  There is a trailhead close to these homes and occasionally a lone man with his dog can be seen cleaning up the trash left there by partiers.  It is amazing how people can come to a nice clean place in the forest and leave it looking like a pigpen.  So it is not unusual to see this man leaving the forest with a garbage sack full of trash and beer cans.

It is so easy to judge people.  Feeling somewhat like Sherlock Holmes we observe and then form clever deductions.  The people walking by the pile of beer cans waiting to be picked up by the recycling man might draw a conclusion about the residents of that house.

Most of us are guilty when it comes to playing the Sherlock Holmes game.  Often the things we think we know about people are just not true.  Much of what we think we know is conjecture and supposition.  And even when we do actually see someone doing something we cannot know his or her motivation.  Jesus is so right when He tells us not to judge others.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 27, 2000

Lots of Beer Cans

Thursday morning was recycling morning.  Stacked in front of one house was evidence that a heavy drinker lived there.  Maybe.  There is a trailhead close to these homes and occasionally a lone man with his dog can be seen cleaning up the trash left there by partiers.  It is amazing how people can come to a nice clean place in the forest and leave it looking like a pigpen.  So it is not unusual to see this man leaving the forest with a garbage sack full of trash and beer cans.

It is so easy to judge people.  Feeling somewhat like Sherlock Holmes we observe and then form clever deductions.  The people walking by the pile of beer cans waiting to be picked up by the recycling man might draw a conclusion about the residents of that house.

Most of us are guilty when it comes to playing the Sherlock Holmes game.  Often the things we think we know about people are just not true.  Much of what we think we know is conjecture and supposition.  And even when we do actually see someone doing something we cannot know his or her motivation.  Jesus is so right when He tells us not to judge others.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 27, 2000

Lots of Beer Cans

Thursday morning was recycling morning.  Stacked in front of one house was evidence that a heavy drinker lived there.  Maybe.  There is a trailhead close to these homes and occasionally a lone man with his dog can be seen cleaning up the trash left there by partiers.  It is amazing how people can come to a nice clean place in the forest and leave it looking like a pigpen.  So it is not unusual to see this man leaving the forest with a garbage sack full of trash and beer cans.

It is so easy to judge people.  Feeling somewhat like Sherlock Holmes we observe and then form clever deductions.  The people walking by the pile of beer cans waiting to be picked up by the recycling man might draw a conclusion about the residents of that house.

Most of us are guilty when it comes to playing the Sherlock Holmes game.  Often the things we think we know about people are just not true.  Much of what we think we know is conjecture and supposition.  And even when we do actually see someone doing something we cannot know his or her motivation.  Jesus is so right when He tells us not to judge others.

Written by Roger Bothwell on July 27, 2000